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West Kentucky Healthcare Coalition
About Us
Serve as the vehicle to prioritize the use of federal grant funds and coalition purchases to improve members healthcare preparedness efforts
Support healthcare agencies during the response and recovery phases of an emergency or disaster incident
Coordinate the planning, organization, equipping, training, exercise, and evaluation activities to assist in the development and maintenance of necessary capabilities and skills for an effective response and recovery
Facilitate information and resource sharing between local, regional, and state entities
Promote and coordinate emergency preparedness efforts of the coalition members' organizations
Our Purpose

Training & Exercises
The WKYHCC offers and hosts training needed to improve regional capabilities and to continue to provide education for key preparedness and response personnel in our region.
Training and exercises include:
Patient Evacuation
Preparedness & Response Planning
Incident Command Systems
Mass Fatality Management
Communication Drills
Active Shooter
Patient Tracking/Transportation
As a WKYHCC member, your facility has the ability to borrow and house coalition assets. In the event of an emergency, assets can be requested from the Coalition Coordinator and can be mobilized during the event.
Our coalition has properties including:
Mobile Hospitals
Patient Tracking Capabilities
Personal Protective Equipment
Heating/Cooling Units
Light Towers
Communication Capabilities including Plum Cases, HAM Radios, Antennas, etc.
Meeting Information
Meetings are held the third Thursday in the months of February, May, August, and November.
For more information on meeting dates, times, and locations, contact WKYHCC Coordinators BJ Newbury, Casey Clark, or Vickie Siedel.

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