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West Kentucky Healthcare Coalition
Executive Committee

Marty Barnett
Marty has been involved in EMS for over 27 years. Currently, he is the Director Murray Calloway County EMS. He is a Commissioner of the Kentucky Emergency Response Commission. He has been involved with of the Regional Healthcare Coalition since 2012.

Troy Walker
Troy has been involved in EMS for 30 years and as volunteer firefighter since 1988. From 1991 to 2007 he served as a Deputy Coroner. Currently, he is President of KAPA (Kentucky Ambulance Providers Association). Troy has been a member of HPP since 2003 and throughout that time, has continually served in the role of Chair or Vice Chair.

Jim Duke
Jim Duke has been involved in EMS since 1982, became a Paramedic in 1987, and a Registered Nurse since 1991. Jim has been a part of the regional Healthcare Coalition since its inception in 2004. He currently operates Com-Care EMS, a rural EMS provider in southwest Kentucky.

Randy Graham
Randy has been a member of the Christian County Rescue Team for 34 years and has been the Chief of the organization since 1996. He has also been with Christian County Emergency Management for the last 25 years, the past 13 as the Director. Randy is a licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer and has been working in that field for 26 years. He also served as a Deputy Coroner from 2000-2007; and has been active with the Regional Healthcare Coalition since 2010.

Clinical Advisor
Scarlett Barnett
Scarlet began her career as a Registered Nurse in 1995 at Murray-Calloway County Hospital. She became the Director of the Emergency Department in 2013. She has been the Region 1 Clinical Advisor since 2015.

Lisa Hopper
Region 2: Regional Preparedness Coordinator
Lisa has worked in Public Health Emergency Preparedness for 18 years with local Health Departments and now Kentucky Department for Public Health. She is also a HAM radio operator.

Member at large
Katie Case
​Katie Case is the Emergency Management Specialist at Owensboro Health Regional Hospital. She has her certification in Emergency Management Disaster Sciences from Western Kentucky University as well as her Bachelor’s in Interdisciplinary Studies with a focus in Organizational Leadership. Katie is active with Daviess County Search and Rescue and is also an Advisor for the Disaster Science Operations Center at Western Kentucky University in which she has worked Operations at unique events such as the 2022 USA Special Olympics and the Chicago Marathon. Healthcare, Emergency Preparedness and Leadership are just a few of Katie’s many passions in which she strives to “Do Good Work!"

member at large
Melissa Miller
Melissa Miller is the Emergency Preparedness Coordinator at Christian County Health Department. She’s been in Public Health for 23 years serving in various roles during her tenure. She has a degree in management and human relations, recently obtaining a certification in Community Disaster Preparedness in Healthcare.

member at large
Wendy Rose
Wendy has been with the Marshall County Health Department for over 20 years. She has almost 10 years in Emergency Preparedness and currently serves as MCHD’s Assistant Director.

readiness & response coordinators
BJ Newbury & Vickie Siedel
To contact them, refer to the bottom of the page.